
UN Forum on Business & Human Rights

The Forum, on one of the essential topics of the United Nations agenda "Business and Human Rights" was held in Geneva bringing together high ranking representatives from all around the world. Santa Farma Pharmaceuticals CEO, and the Vice Chairman of TISK Erol Kiresepi represented the Turkish and international employers at the Forum. Erol Kiresepi participated in numerous meetings as a speaker at the Forum where the contribution of business to the improvement of human rights all over the world was evaluated.At the meeting held at the Canadian Permanent Representation in Geneva, Kiresepi came together with other representatives of global business and briefed them about the actions of Turkish companies taken in line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.Kiresepi also delivered a speech on the challenges facing the business in their actions for human rights at the meeting participated by UN Human Rights High Commissioner Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, UN Business and Human Rights Working Group Chairman Margaret Jung, and the World Economic Forum Director Espen Barth Eide. Drawing the attention of global attendees on the progress made in Turkey in line with the UN Global Compact and the success of Turkey Network at the Leaders Session, Kiresepi encouraged the networks in other counties to adopt the industry-wise distribution approach.Kiresepi said; "Being employed, i.e. having a job is the most important instrument to fight poverty. For a company, "do no harm" must represent the fundamental approach and any step that goes beyond this is support to the improvement of all human rights. Creation of proper and safe jobs is the responsibility of all stakeholders".Kiresepi also denoted the developments in Turkey regarding the Syrian immigrants and underlining the movement as the largest migration flow since the Second World War period stated that all countries need to take on action on the issue.In another session on unregistered employment, SMEs and Human Rights topics Kiresepi stated that SMEs need to be supported by the government to enable them play their part in the improvement of human rights and called for national and international employers' organization to become the guides in the path forward.At the session on protection of the rights of children and combating child labor, Kiresepi spoke as the co-chair of ILO's Child Labor Platform and praised the Platform as a highly useful instrument for businesses to combat child labor and protection of the rights of children. He emphasized that the Platform served as a medium for business to share best practices and helped them focus on fundamental issues concerning child labor and solutions they can introduce to these problems through their own actions.


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