
Regular Exercise makes life longer


Training as the topic “ Healthy Bones, Healthy Diarthroses, Aging Painless” has been given to the Darülaceze residents by Turkey Phsical Medicine and Rehabilitation Association.


In the scope of World Geriatrics Day and Osteoporosis Day Events regular exercise as subject “ Healthy Bones, Healthy Diarthroses, Aging Painless” has been given to the Darülaceze residents by Turkey Phsical Medicine and Rehabilitation Association.


In the event which has been held with contribution of the most established local drug company Santa Farma Darülaceze Residents have made exercise with doctors after the speech of Turkey Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Association Head Prof Dr. Ayşegül Ketenci, second head of the association Prof. Dr. Dilşah Sindel and Head of Istanbul University Medical Faculty Physical medicine and rehabilitation Department Prof. Dr. Ayşe Karan and Head of Darülaceze Hamza Cebeci.



Prof. Dr. Aysegül Ketenci who has given the training as topic “ Aging and Pain, Health of Diarthroses” has given information about osteoarthritis. Ketenci who has given information about pain , has made training with Darülaceze residents.


Prof. Dr. Dilşah Sindel who has made training as topic “ The important problem in aging is fractures; importance of fall, health of bone” has stated that 200 million people have osteolysis in the World and this is mostly seen in women. Sindel has stated that in each 1 from 3 women and 5 men the risk of fracture after 50 years old is increasing, points out the importance of healthy diet, regular exercise to decrase the risk of osteolysis, and she has pointed out the food rich in calcium and vitamin D, benefiting from sun light, giving importance of the consumption of the cigaratte, alcohol and fizzy drink. 


Prof. Dr Ayşe Karan who has made opening presentation with the subject as “ what is changing with aging, could these be prevented?” has stated that regular exercise can extend life span for 3 years in the person even beginning exercise after 85 years old compared with the person who do not make exercise. Karan has stated that they have seen the effects of exercise in their treatment whatever age it has been made.

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