
Mr. Erol Kiresepi, the President of the International Organization of Employers (IOE): “Business World and governments need to cooperate more for the solution of the migration problem”

Mr. Erol Kiresepi, the first Turkish president of the Organization representing the employers of the world, addressed the leaders of 193 member countries at the Intergovernmental Conference held on December 10 in Marrakesh, Morocco. 

Mr. Erol Kiresepi, the first Turkish president of the Organization representing the employers of the world, addressed the leaders of 193 member countries at the Intergovernmental Conference held on December 10 in Marrakesh, Morocco. The Global Compact for Safe, Controlled and Regular Migration (GCM) was accepted at the conference.

Mr. Erol Kiresepi, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Santa Farma, which is one of the oldest and the most influential domestic pharmaceutical companies of Turkey, and the President of the International Organization of Employers (IOE), delivered a speech at the Intergovernmental Migration Conference held in Marrakech, Morocco on December 10, and emphasized the steps that governments should take in solving the migration problem.

A total of 2500 people from international representative organizations attended the Intergovernmental Conference held for the adoption of the Global Compact for Controlled and Regular Migration (GCM). At the opening session of the Conference held on December 10, 2018, Mr. António Guterres, the UN Secretary General, Ms. María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés, the Chairman of the UN General Assembly, and Ms. Cheryl Perrera, the Founder of OneChild, also made a speech.






Kiresepi, who started his speech by congratulating the governments for proving that intensive and coherent multi-stakeholder dialogue can result in concrete outcomes, even in the case of such sensitive and complex issues as migration, emphasized that the Migration phenomenon  involves three different aspects:  to fill skills shortages; ensure social stability; and contribute to the protection of the most vulnerable migrant workers. Mr. Kiresepi told that the shortage of skills would increase in the world as a result of rapid changes in the world; in order to cope with this problem, the private sector, especially SMEs, needs more competent labor and skills to be transferred from abroad; and too restrictive migration policies imposed on migration would hamper growth. Mr. Kiresepi emphasized that the GCM, which would be adopted at the conference, represents an important step with respect to the understanding of this new truth and the solution of ongoing problems, and well-functioning legal pathways for workers can help to reduce irregular and unlawful recruitment practices.


”Governments need the private sector“

Mr. Erol Kiresepi addressed to the General Assembly on the representation of private sector in the GCM process; “Let me be clear: given the complexity and confusion surrounding this issue, the business community wants to commit in an organized manner, rather tha individually. For almost 100 years, the IOE has taken the lead on effectively coordinating business. In 2006, we established a dynamic network of companies committed to well-functioning migration policies. But we can and must do more. Business needs more ambitious regulatory frameworks for skills mobility and governments need the private sector to better argue the business case for well-designed migration policies. Partnering with the right business groups will make the difference. The UN must engage with the most legitimate and representative business organizations, who alone understand the realities on the ground and can advise and act accordingly.” 

Mr. Erol Kiresepi emphasized that the IOE and its member organisations are effective partners to fully implement the GCM, and told that the IOE firmly commits to redoubling its efforts, with the help of Mr. Secretary-General, to further mobilize the private sector in this regard, and they look forward to strengthening our partnership, starting here in Marrakech. 

Mr. Erol Kiresepi also performed a series of contacts during the event hosted by the Kingdom of Morocco. Mr. Kiresepi, in his capacity as the President of IOE, met with the UN Secretary-General António Guterres on December 10th. The two covered the possibilities of developing cooperation on the issues on the agenda, especially the issue of migration. The same day, Mr. Kiresepi met with Mr. António Vitorino, the Director of International Organization for Migration (IOM). At the meeting where messages were delivered for the continuance of the close relationship on the issues of migration and of the employment of migrants between the International Organization for Employers (IOE) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the emphasis was placed on the active role of employers on labor migration policies 

Mr. Kiresepi also met with Ms. María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés, the Chairman of the UN General Assembly, to discuss future co-operation and participation across the UN for a practical, responsible and realistic perspective on immigration.

During the two-day conference event, Mr. Kiresepi hold discussions with Mr. Carlos Holmes Trujillo, Colombian Foreign Minister; Mr. Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, the French Minister of State for European Union and Foreign Affairs; Mr. Mark Harbers, Dutch Minister of Immigration; Mr. Nasser Bin Thani al Hamli, UAE Human Resources Minister; Mr. Yousuf Mohammed A Fakhroo, Qatar Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affairs Minister; Mr. Martin Bille Hermann, Denmark Undersecretary of Ministry for Development; and Mr. Juan José Gómez Camacho, UN Mexican Ambassador.


"Global Compact for Safe, Controlled and Regular Immigration" was adopted

At the UN Intergovernmental Conference on Migration, the UN Global Compact on Safe, Controlled and Regular Migration was adopted by a majority of countries. The Global Compact represents a letter of intent with the objectives of preventing tragic situations such as human trafficking and migratory deaths, making migration both regular and secure. Being non-legally binding, the Global Compact aims to identify the rules and regulations for migrants.

Click to watch Mr. Erol Kiresepi's Speech.



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