

Mr Erol Kiresepi, Chairman of Santa Farma İlaç, Deputy President of KİPLAS and President of International Organisation of Employers (IOE), chaired IOE Centenary Summit which was honoured by United Nations (UN) Secretary-General António Guterres.

In addition to Erol Kiresepi, five IOE regional vice-presidents, Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Guy Ryder, Secretary-General of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Sharan Burrow and Executive Director of the UN Global Compact Sanda Ojiambo attended the online meeting which was held on September 2, 2020. The meeting focused on improving contributions of business world to multilateral system enforced through the efforts of the UN at global level as well as increasing the role of IOE and its member organizations at the UN Reform Agenda which has gained importance in recent years.

Mr Erol Kiresepi held a speech in which he referred to the hundred years of history of IOE which is the most important global business organization and their determination to set the policies for the next hundred years. In that respect, he noted that the priorities of the organization for the new period shall be elaborated in the “IOE Centenary Manifest” which will designate the vision and roadmap of IOE in the global arena with due regard for the requirement to adopt a more constructive and collaborative approach in the post-pandemic world.

The UN Secretary-General Guterres underlined that IOE has been an important pillar of the multilateral global system since its earliest days, private sector has a pivotal role in improving international cooperation and achieving Sustainable Development Goals, it is not possible to achieve those goals without the full engagement of the private sector, and the member organizations of IOE have displayed commendable support and engagement for creating an effective multilateral system along with other stakeholders and governments.

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