
B20 Southeast Asian Regional Consultation Meeting was held in Singapore

B20 Southeast Asian Regional Consultation Meeting was held in Singapore on April 10 in collaboration with Singapore Business Federation (SBF) with the participation of prominent business community from the region. B20 Turkey Executive Committee Member Erol Kiresepi delivered the opening remarks of the session. In his speech, Mr. Kiresepi has indicated that they want to listen to the viewpoints and proposals of the Southeast Asian business community in order to produce more effective results during Turkey's term as B20 Chair. Mr. Kiresepi gave the floor later to Mr. Hakan Tokaç, Director General at Foreign Economic Relations at Undersecretariat of Treasury, Turkey. As a representative of G20 Presidency, Mr. Tokaç has stated in his speech that they have been supporting the activities of B20 closely and during this process, B20 Turkey's inclusiveness principle and G20/B20 interaction are very crucial for the success of B20 progress. In the second part of the meeting, B20 Sherpa Sarp Kalkan has moderated the interactive panel session and the discussions. Mr. Kalkan has shared B20 Turkey's priorities, agenda and approach with the participants. Moreover, the workstreams of B20 Turkey's six Taskforces were explained in detail. The mini surveys regarding the agendas of Taskforces gave clues about the perspective of global businessmen on trade, infrastructure and investment, financing growth, employment, anti-corruption and SMEs and Entrepreneurship.

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